JavaScript 30

A coding challenge that only uses vanilla javascript by Wes Bros

JS Solutions by Jennifer Tran

JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 1:

JavaScript Drum Kit

Created by using ES6 template strings, data keys, and CSS transformation effects to emulate a drum kit.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 2:

JS + CSS Clock

Focused on manipulating the CSS via JavaScript to allow the clock hands to move.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 3:

Live Image Editor

Learned about using CSS variables to store values and manipulate them using JavaScript in real time.

Demo Source

JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 4:

Array Cardio Part 1

Practiced in learning how to manipulate arrays using various functions from sort, reduce, and map.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 5:

Flex Panel Gallery

Learned about using FlexBox to transform the panels and used JavaScript to add the animation to the text.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 6:

City Search

Used the Fetch function to grab information from a JSON file and manipulate it to be searchable.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 7:

Array Cardio Part 2

Learned how to use various prototype functions including some(), find(), and every().

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 8:

HTML5 Canvas

Learned how to use the HTML5 Canvas to create a rainbow paint brush effect as well as an ES6 trick called structing.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 9:

Chrome Dev Tools

Learned some various hidden debugging tips and tricks we can do on the google chrome inspector.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 10:

Checking boxes using Shift

A simple checkbox that can check by shifting either up or down using regular JavaScript.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 11:

Custom Video Player

Created a music player from scratch using regular JavaScript via multiple event listeners.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 12:

Key Sequence Detection

Allows the user to activate an event when typing the correct keyword in the proper order.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 13:

Slide in on Scroll

Focuses on the animation effect whenever the user scrolls down a webpage via fading in.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 14:

References VS Copying

Focuses on the core JavaScript concepts when it comes to storing data and when to use them appropriately.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 15:

Local Storage

Learned how to take advantage of the Google Chrome Browser's local storage to store previous data and SVG.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 16:

Mouse Move Shadow

Tracked the user's mouse actions by having a shadow project to the opposite side of where the user is moving.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 17:

Sort Without Articles

Learned how to sort the bands array without including articles such as "The", "A", and "An".

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 18:

Adding Up Times with Reduce

Using the reduce function, we can convert all the video times in hours, mins, and seconds.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 19:

Webcam Photo Booth

By being able to access the camera in JavaScript, we can manipulate images in real time to create photobooth effects.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 20:

Speech Detection

Using Google Chrome's speech detector, we can automatically show what the user is saying in real time.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 21:


Using the gyroscope function built in a user's browser, we can use it to act like a compass.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 22:

Follow the Links

Tracks the user's mouse actions by having a shadow follow them around whenever they highlight a link.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 23:

Speech Synthesis

Using Google Chrome's voice API's, we can change the speed and the pitch of the voice by user input.

Demo Source
JavaScript Drum Kit

Day 24:

Sticky Navigation

An animation effect that sticks the navigation bar on top of the page when the user scrolls down the page.

Demo Source